Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two Dishwashers

There was a lady in the store one day shopping with a few of her friends. She came up to the register to pay and noticed a magnet we sell: a rotating magnet for your dishwasher....one side says "Clean", the other says "Dirty".

She turned to her friends and said, "I should totally get this magnet. The kids are always asking which dishwasher to put the dishes in, it's really annoying."

I expected her friends to start giggling and ranting about their own duplicate-appliance 'troubles'. Instead, her one friend blurted..."Ohhhhh, your kids don't know which dishwasher is clean or dirty, which one to put the dirty dishes in....how annoying."

I did everything in my power to not start fist-pumping and woo-ing, like I was watching a boxing match. All I could do was give her a *mental*......high-fiiiiiiiiive!

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