Wednesday, August 12, 2009

When Adults Act Like Babies

What it really boils down to, is that I am a babysitter. I have to babysit these "adults" aka "adult babies" every day. I have to make sure they don't break anything, cut themselves with knives....I have to show them how to use something as simple as an orange peeler, tell them "NO" when they're doing something they shouldn't be doing. Too bad I can't give them a time-out or have them go stand in the corner when they're bad. *::fantasizing::*

There's nothing more disturbing or unattractive than when one of the adult babies (AB's) ask me something and when it's not what they want to hear, they do one or many of the following:

-pout and give me the 'puppy dog face'
-respond in a baby voice
-pretend to cry
-have a slight 'baby fit' where they shake their body, make an ugly face and make weird noises

What. Is. Wrong. With. You. You are 45 years old. Do you think that if you do those things, what you're looking for is magically going to appear? This isn't a Disney movie, AB. I am not your fairy godmother that's going to wave her wand and make kitchen supplies appear out of nowhere.

When this happens, I don't let the "you're pathetic" look even appear on my face. I just watch them in disbelief, instantly embarrassed for them and the way they're behaving. Like when a child is flipping out and the parent just stands there and waits for them to stop. Yup. That's me. Except I'm only the babysitter. The AB babysitter. I can't tell the "adults" they're acting like babies.....

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